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Cell: (561) 339-5339

Tampa Office

133 E 143rd Avenue
Tampa, FL 33613

Taze Picard, Jr. – Forensic Consultant

—Forensic Consultant

Professional Profile

Mr. Picard is a Forensic Consultant with Focus Forensics LLC, specializing in field investigations, data collection, vehicle and scene documentation, electronic data retrieval, and inspections of vehicular and roadway systems. After completing his B.S. in Criminal Justice, Mr. Picard served through 2020 in the United States Army as a Technical Collision Investigator, where he completed vehicle and scene investigations and analysis for over 120 fatal and serious collisions occurring on federal installations involving automobiles, motorcycles, pedestrians, and commercial vehicles. Since 2021, Mr. Picard has continued his career in the private sector, applying his knowledge and expertise in the investigation of collision incidents by collecting evidence and mapping data for hundreds of scenes and vehicles involving all types of transportation systems.

Mr. Picard has been trained in the identification and documentation of evidence related to all forms of transportation, including motor vehicles, tractor-trailers, work equipment, motorcycle, bicycles, pedestrians, and other modes of travel. Mr. Picard utilizes cutting edge technology to capture evidence and preserve electronic information, including FARO 3D laser scanning, Total Station laser mapping, Bosch CDR vehicle download system, commercial vehicle Engine Control Module (ECM) data extraction systems, unmanned aerial vehicle (U A V) mapping and imagery , speedometer inspection, forensic photography, photogrammetry, and traffic signal data documentation. He has experience in gathering and researching roadway related data such as traffic control devices, highway construction work zones, and roadside safety projects.


Bachelor of Science in Criminal
American International College
Springfield, MA

Work Experience

Focus Forensics, LLC
Consultant: 2022-Present

Fischer Forensics Engineering
Accident Reconstruction Technician:

United States Army
Technical Collision Investigator:

Licensure and Professional Certification

Certified Bosch Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) Technician

National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) Certified RADAR/ LIDAR Operator and Instructor

Remote Pilot – Small Unmanned Aircraft System

Federal Aviation Administration

Professional Development

Collision Safety Institute / Collision Publishing

  • EDR Summit, 2024

Focus Forensics, LLC

  • Transportation Engineering and Accident Reconstruction Insights, 2024
    • Human Factors for Driver Response
    • Traffic Signal Design and Operation
    • Transportation Engineering Sight Distance Standards
    • Automotive Mechanical Systems and Data Acquisition
    • Photogrammetric Methods
    • Video Analysis with Telemetry Data
    • LIDAR Scanning and Data Processing
    • Virtual Crash Applications for Simulation and Animation
    • PC Crash Applications for Steering and Yaw Rate
    • Expert Testimony Regulations and Standards
    • Commercial Vehicle EDR Data Extraction and Analysis
    • Vehicle EDR Systems for Toyota and General Motors

FARO Technologies

  • FARO 3D Forensics Scanner, 2019

Lightpoint Scientific, LLC

  • Motorcycle Collision Reconstruction, 2022

PhotoModeler Technologies

  • PhotoModeler for Collision Investigation, 2023

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

  • Accessing and Interpreting Heavy Vehicle Event Data Recorders, 2023
  • Advanced Applications of Heavy Vehicle EDR Data, 2023

United States Armed Forces

  • Traffic Management and Collision Investigation, 2019

Washington State Criminal Justice Training

  • Technical Collision Investigation, 2020

Washington State Patrol

  • Advanced Collision, 2018

World Reconstruction Exposition (WREX)

  • World Reconstruction Exposition (WREX), 2023
    • Video Analysis in Collision Reconstruction
    • Dashboard Cameras & Human Vision
    • A Simulated Look at the Effects of Pedestrian Lateral Velocity on Post-Impact Trajectory
    • The Forgotten Force – Motorcycle-to-Auto Side Impact Modeling
    • Nighttime Recognition and Visibility
    • Distracted Driving Crash Investigations
    • Injury Reconstruction with Biofidelic